Modelagem matemática aplicada às ciências da vida e medicina

Resumo: Mathematical models have been applied to the physical sciences since the beginning of the sciences. Currently, they started to be used at the biological and medical sciences. On this seminar, we shall dive into the basics, paradigms, and philosophies of current branches of sciences related to mathematical models applied to biological and medical sciences (e.g., systems biology). By the end of this one-hour-long talk you should be able to know what is “Mathematical modeling applied to life sciences and medicine”. The aim of the presentation is introducing briefly an ever-growing area of applied mathematics and biology (with a high-level of interdisciplinarity).

Local: Sala 106 do PAF 1 – UFBA
Mini-bio: Jorge Guerra Pires, PhD
   I hold a bachelor in production engineering by the Federal University of Ouro Preto (2005-2009), my master of science in a double-diploma scheme (Erasmus programme) by the University of L’Aquila/Gdansk University of Technology (2010-2012), in mathematical engineering/technical physics, and my PhD by the University of L’Aquila in Information Engineering (ICT) in collaboration with BioMathLab-IASI-CNR Rome; both master and PhD recognized by USP as bioinformatics. I have attended to several events in biomathematics during my PhD, mainly systems biology. Currently, I am a postdoc research at the programa de pós-graduação em Mecatrônica (PPGM, UFBA).
Data e Hora: 
sexta-feira, 27 Julho, 2018 -
11:00 to 12:00